Prez Mocha 總統摩卡 12oz


咖啡、巧克力和牛奶之間能玩出什麼新花樣呢?當然可以 !將這三者做成冰淇淋當早餐吃時(就像我們會常做的事),它的口感充滿風味、柔順、溫文儒雅就像Prez本人一樣。

Can a more harmonious threesome be found then between coffee, chocolate and milk? well, the answer is yes, when you freeze those three strong individuals into an ice cream. Its flavorful, smooth and suave, just like the Prez himself, and the flavor to eat if you were going to have ice cream for breakfast (like we often do).

容量: 350g +-5 克/400 毫升(12OZ)
