On April 11th, we shared our plant based dairy free vegan icy dessert line with our friends and partners in an invitation only event at Taipei’s AVENUE. Aside from being able to taste several different flavors from the plant based line, they were treated to the live performance of Alaskan ukulele sensation Cynthia Lin and Taiwanese guitar maestro Hope Lin, performing summery and jazzy tunes, what a tasty and joyful afternoon it was.
Aside from trying  the vegan Stardust, Passionfruit Mojito, Mocha, guests also tried the Zouitina Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Mocknot Walao! Pandan Cendol and Mocknot Fuyoh! Lime, offering the guests a variety of taste profiles. Pairing the icy treats with relaxing Jazz music, celebrating Earth Day month and a great kickstart to the summer.