How did we come up with the idea for Bebop? From our love of ice cream. Many of our founders are a little obsessed. They not only love it, but are also very selective (when I say selective, I mean picky). Plus, our R&D master is an ice cream fan (like the crazy kind of fan). This is why when we started talking about ice cream, we realized we couldn’t stop talking about it! We really wanted to express how we feel and our attitudes towards ice cream, including the flavors we wanted to make. This was how Bebop was born!

Behind Bebop is a group of people from different backgrounds who has gathered together because of our love for ice cream. As we gather together, our ideas for different elements or combinations for ice creams will create a storm of discussions, but with one goal in mind! It has to taste really good! Similar to the spirit of Bebop music, it is flexible and relaxed but not random or careless, while at the same time have different players Jamming together to create magic.

Not only that, we insisted that the Bebop expressions not have any ingredient that we don’t understand or any artificial ingredients or flavorings. Plus we removed the fattening cream that is normally used to make ice cream and replaced it with milk as well as using less sugar to make our ice creams. The hardest part of doing all that was figuring out how to maintain the expression’s texture and flavor to achieve that perfect balance. We also chose to make our expressions in small batches in order to ensure each batch is of the best quality.

Having all these criteria may seem weird to you, but it is just so that when you have our ice cream, you will get a sense of bliss with every bite as the different layers of flavor slowing appears. The best part is its also not as bad for you as most regular ice creams. I mean honestly, what is more blissful than having great food without worrying about your health or waistline? To be able to continually create this kind of ice cream and to come up with new flavors is how we at Bebop want to show the world just how much we love ice cream!